Thursday, January 29, 2009


 We have been so blessed the last several weeks to be involved with the ministries in our church. As we come to the realization that our time in California is short, we treasure our relationships here and the time we have with our friends and family. We are so thankful to our support team who has really stepped up and have been gracious with giving us their time, talents and resources for the glory of God and the furtherance of the gospel.
God has been teaching us patience through the last few weeks. Jonathan and I attended the missions conference in Murrietta at the beginning of January. One of the things that God has been impressing on my heart is that it's not all about the ministry. Yes, ministry an important part of the way God moves in our lives and through the lives of others but us being in ministry isn't about us giving to others as much as it's about our relationship with God. Or "making cookies" as Jay Dangers of New Hope Uganda illustrated in one of the sessions at the missions conference. When we make cookies and invite our kids into the kitchen it's never about the cookies part as much as it's about the relationship we build with our children in the process of making cookies. The cookies are just a biproduct. If it was just about making the cookies I certainly wouldn't ask my two-yr. old to join me in the kitchen. He would just slow down the process. That is what ministry should be. It's always been about us becoming closer to God and it's never been about the cookies! (Despite the fact that it is so tempting to lose yourself in a huge batch of fresh, hot-out-of-the-oven, chocolate chip cookies. And don't even get me started on the ice cream! (: )
This has given me a different perspective on why this process seems to be taking so long. Our hearts are willing to go and sometimes I think to myself "doesn't the world need to hear? Don't we need more people on the mission field? Why aren't we there yet." I believe that God desires and longs for that close relationship with us and desires that we share that with others and that must always be our focus first. To love God with all your heart, soul and mind. 
Praise be to our Father!
Adrienne for the Ferg4 

Friday, January 9, 2009

Nairobi Here We Come!

Alright everyone, the Ferguson Four are heading out to Nairobi again! We are going to be visiting Nairobi during the last half of June. The purpose of this trip is to visit DSM, the ministry we hope to partner with. Jonathan and Adrienne will be visiting the schools and meeting with the pastors. We are excited about this trip, and are interested in finding out how well our boys are going to do on a plane for 17 hours...Please pray for us!

If anyone is interested in learning more about our upcoming trip, please email us and we will be more than happy to fill you in on the details.
