There has been so much happening on this end and not a minute to write about all of it!
First of all, THANK YOU Refuge family. We got your cards of encouragement and all of your gifts that you sent for Baby Ben! What a blessing. (For those that aren't at Refuge, our church family sent us DOZENS of cards with an amount of money they contributed towards Benny for a baby shower. Some index cards had an amount of money for diapers, clothes, wipes, baby blankets...everything one would get for a baby shower! We were and are beyond blessed. We also received those that contributed towards getting us our plane tickets for our furlough coming up in October of 2011. We were so touched at such thoughtful gifts.)
Living Water Christian Fellowship is doing amazing. We've been going through Hebrews 11 and the church is excited to look at the pillars of the faith and be encouraged. What a blessing!
The midweek studies are doing well. We have just a few that attend but they are growing in the word of God. The midweek studies will have the month of December off and will pick up in January. I, Adrienne, have had the privilege (thanks to my super duper husband) of attending the Wednesday study through Revelation. Truly exciting times we are living in!
The Fergusons will be moving AGAIN! We have some German missionary friends that will be leaving the country for 8 months and needed house sitters. And seeing as that we have a VERY expensive plane trip to pay for and they were willing to charge half the rent we are paying now, we jumped at the opportunity! Moving day is 8 days before Christmas. With that, please pray for our house lady whom we employ, Mary. She needs a job and right now there is nothing that has come her way. Also for a woman who lives with us named Agnus. Angus and Mary are both sweet sisters in the Lord whom we care deeply for. Agnus also needs a job.
Jonathan and Robbie, pastor of our church, received and exciting opportunity to do a Bible answer program on a local radio station called, "Family Radio". The one hour program is titled "The Mirror". The idea came from the verse in James chapter one which says, " Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do." Kenyans can text in their questions and have them answered live. The first airing of the radio program was tonight and went well. Please keep the program in prayer as Jonathan will be assisting answering the questions with Robbie a few times a month on Sunday nights.
We had an excellent Thanksgiving. We had all the traditional food we would normally have in the States. Every person contributed food to bring so our great big Thanksgiving had about 40 people including kids. We ate Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, yams, mango salad, rolls, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake and a great big chocolate cake to celebrate some birthdays. We had a great time and left the house in a turkey coma! (Sound familiar?)

We didn't make the group Thanksgiving pic because we were running late but here are the neat missionaries we spent Thanksgiving with.
The Lord Bless you this holiday season and we will shoot out another update very soon!
The Fergusons
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