Let me start off by saying thank you to all who have been asking about little Abigail Gorden, who was bit by a Puff Adder a few weeks ago. We have been so blessed to hear of your prayers before the Lord. Abigail is recovering well and believe it or not, walking on her foot! Please keep our families in prayer with the wild life here.

We have some exciting things coming our way. This year has proved to be the season of change between our friends, extended family and ourselves. Jonathan has taught the last few Sundays at the church and is looking forward to what the Lord has for Living Water Christian Fellowship. The Gorden Family may in fact move their leave date to mid to late April so Jonathan will be taking the church very soon. Please keep all the details in prayer.
A few of the Calvary missionaries have gotten together and arranged a one day retreat for all Calvary Chapel ministry leaders and missionaries. The date if set for mid April. Our family is so looking forward to the refreshing the Lord will bring. What a treat!

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers and our friends, the Gordens.
God Bless you all,
Adrienne for the F5
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