I've been wrestling on what seems worthy of an update on our blog. After a while, things become everyday life. I mean, do you send out a mass email or blog or newsletter about the happenings at your church or home? It still out-of-the-ordinary for me to get used to. (: So, forgive me for not writing for so long. God is always doing something that is stretching us in ways that we never thought we could stretch and we'd like to share some things with you.

For several years Jonathan has struggled with health issues like fatigue, poor immune system and just tummy stuff. It's become the norm in our family. Since moving to Kenya he's lost over 60 lbs. Some of that is due to healthier eating but a lot of it has to do with being sick. He/We have been living with his up-and-down health for so long, that it's become "the norm". We discovered that he was lactose intolerant about 2 years ago and although eliminating lactose from his diet helped, things still weren't great. We've struggled with wanting to do more in ministry but his health just isn't able to keep up. I've been praying for God to show us wisdom in what to do and I ask that you can pray with us. We have friends that have similar symptoms and problems. The more we ask and research, we think he may be gluten intolerant as well.
Please pray for us in this area as it can be a real source of discouragement as you can imagine.

I've been involved in a women's bible study for 2 years that I adore. Every Thursday we meet with both missionaries and some local women for a time of prayer, sharing and Bible study. We've gone through several Beth Moore studies, the Book of Ephesians and now we've been going through "Power of a Praying Wife". I remember getting "Power of a Praying Wife" as a wedding gift but I had never got around to reading it. I can't believe I let that book collect dust for so long! I think of how this pattern of praying for the details of our marriage could've impacted the early start to our marriage. What a blessing it is to prayer scripture over my husband and see it change not only him but me in the process! I would encourage any one who is married to grab that book and see if God doesn't do something incredible with your marriage!!!

We are happy that the Lord has provided to start the foundation of the expansion of our house. We are especially excited (as mentioned before) that we may someday be able to bring the dining table in the house for rainy days. (: We had also shared in a previous newsletter about the desire that God has placed on our hearts to adopt. Although we did want to share that with everyone, we don't have peace that it's supposed to happen at this time. (Isn't it amazing how God can give us the desire for something in the future but give us a complete peace that He will work out the details and the timing?) The prospective situation with the little girls from Sudan seems to have not worked out. We are blessed that the situation hasn't worked out for now because we know God's plans don't seem to include our family in the lives of these little girls for now. I have been visiting a local orphanage for some baby holding just a few times and every time I hold one of those sweet little chocolate babies my heart stirs. I know this is God's will for us but only He can work out the timing for that.

2012 has proved to be a big year for our family. Jonathan and I celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary on August 17th, Benny turned 2 and I will hit the big 3-0 this year (don't laugh at me, 30 is a big one!). We can honestly say that our marriage and life has NEVER been better. We've grown closer as a couple, communication has been great and we love each other more than ever. We've reaped so many blessings and benefits by choosing to live lives obedient to Jesus. We haven't always been obedient but through those mistakes we've learned to taste and see that He is good, His ways are true and He loves us! I look forward to many more years with Jonathan and growing older in the grace and knowledge of our sweet savior. We are excited to continue to watch our children grow, tell you about all the clever things they do and say (hee hee) and living a rich full life in Jesus.

God bless you guys and may you hold fast to your faith in Jesus and grow in depth and knowledge of Him. To Him be the glory, power and honor forevermore!
Adrienne for the F5
1 comment:
Very fine post. Great images. Hope you'll post more about the women's Bible study. Peace and all good,
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