Sunday, March 2nd has finally come and gone. The day Living Water would get a new Senior Pastor, elder and deacon. The big day on our calendar. We knew it would be a whirlwind of activities but I never anticipated the emotion behind it. I couldn't help but look back on our last four years with Living Water Christian Fellowship and a flood of memories came bursting through my mind. I can still see Phyllis coming through the doors of our church with a face full of joy and life. Sometimes concern and heartache. She is the person I come to think of when I think of rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn because of the emotion of joy and tears that would come over her at prayer time. She's gone now. I got to hold her sweet little granddaughter a few weeks ago. Tiny, just like her grandmother. I couldn't help but feel a bit of Phyllis in that sweet child. How Phyllis would have celebrated this joyous day. She loved Pastor George. I remember the old house we used to meet in and just about every Sunday a matatu (14 passenger bus) full of men from U-Turn from Christ (drug and alcohol recovery program) would pile out. I could always here them the loudest during worship. Their Pastor, Duncan Muya, just planted Calvary Chapel in Ngong Hills and they have been meeting there for just over a month. A drunk, homeless man used to come to Living Water faithfully when we met in that house, always smelling of alcohol, sometimes standing up in the middle of service and making a scene or sprawled out in the grass nearby but always welcome. We experienced heartbreak there as we learned of a faithful member who fell into temptation, robbing the church. We were shocked and devastated. He has since apologized but we have never really seen him again. Our dear friends, Robbie and Elizabeth, faithful missionaries to Kenya who taught us much and loved these people till God called them to Samoa. All these moments are deeply
LWCF with Calvary Delco |
Worship team leading at the Sr. Pastor Ceremony |
LWCF ladies chatting after service |
Calvary Delco leading LWCF in worship |
Enjoying some barbecue and fellowship time at the Ferguson's |
embeded in our hearts and we hold them dear. Living Water Christian Fellowship has left a deep mark on our hearts. These people have loved and helped us and we've learned so much. So many of the faces have changed throughout the years but it has always held this family community and love for one another. I am proud to call our church my family and people that I truly love. Although we are still parts of the church we acknowledge the changes that are taking place and we are feeling excitement as we begin new ministries within the church.
We came to church and hour and a half early with all the things stuffed in our car to prepare for the day. Extra Bibles, worship sheets, screen projector for the movie for Children's Ministry, snacks, crayons, food for the feast afterwards, communion elements, projects for the kids, movie snacks for the kids, gifts for the new elder, deacon and new Sr. Pastor and signs for the church. We had worked all week on getting all these things together.It was utterly exhausting jut trying to remember it all and even then, we forgot the remote to the DVD player which meant we couldn't watch the DVD for the Children's Ministry.
Following along while CC Delco leads worship |
We maxed out our service and held a record of over 80 people coming. We met new friends, family members, welcomed our friends and their Pastor from Githurai, Ed, Kelli and Pastor Murigi and his family. We sang, ate, celebrated, laughed and prayed for each other. We have just a few pictures from that day but we are hoping to share more as they come in from others who were taking pictures. Enjoy.
Following along to worship |
With great anticipation we welcomed Calvary Chapel DelCo (Delaware County) to join us as well as two other ministries here in Kenya. The team stayed after a Sunday service (making for a very long day) to lead a worship and children's ministry workshop. We were so blessed and encouraged as the team participated in Children's ministry so they can have an open question and answer time as to what would help us improve our children's ministry. Our worship workshop included some helpful pointers on our leadership positions reflecting what is happening in our daily lives, real worship. We had some practical exercises such as warming up our voices, singing together, working on harmonies and learning to use egg shakers while singing. We had a great time together and we are excited to see how the Lord will use these workshops to improve what we are already doing.
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