Language School: As I mentioned before, we took our first Kiswahili test last Friday and we got the results back. All glory to the Lord, Jonathan and I both aced our tests! What a relief. We celebrated by taking the kids to Brackenhurst to play on the playground and we just relaxed the rest of the day. This week the school has added a new part of our instruction. The school hires “conversants” to spend about an hour with us everyday speaking in Kiswahili only. The first day was miserable from stumbling over grammatical errors and constantly asking for the “word for this or that”. It was frustrating. The second day with our conversant was amazing. Jonathan and I were able to have a normal (closer to normal than the day before) conversation in Kiswahili. Wow! We are actually believing we are going to speak Kiswahili well at the end of the six month school. Incredible, huh? Oh! And every Monday, we sing praise songs in Kiswahili and we get a devotion from one of the instructors. The devotion is always in Kiswahili only, no translations. It’s always exciting when we catch a word or two or three more than we had the previous week.
Living Water Christian Fellowship, the church we are attending and will eventually serve after language school, is thriving and doing well. The fellowship is a small group of people but they are getting grounded in the Word of God. The people are so wonderful and very friendly. Please pray with us as Jonathan and I are praying about taking over Children’s Ministry as soon as school is over.
God has been so faithful to meet us right where we are at. The last week for me, Adrienne, has proved to be a bit better in terms of homesickness. It’s very easy for me to let my mind drift into the happenings of life in So. California and to be honest, get resentful of this calling to Kenya. I start thinking about missing out on major family events like birthdays, holidays or my mom’s up and coming wedding. I’m not going to lie, it gets hard. About a week ago, I admit, that I was praying and asking God why He would ask this if us. Why he would take us away from everyone whom we love so much. The Lord told me, “I know, I’ve been there too.” And it hit me, Jesus had to leave his mom, his brothers, friends, everything. The Lord above all other people knows what it feels like to be in a foreign place without the comforts of home to do soley what He came to do. Not to equate what we do out here with the work Jesus did for us on the cross. But He knows. It’s hard but worth it. I thanked the Lord for meeting me at that place and at that moment. The following Sunday, we were unable to attend church because of the high cost to hire a driver to take us an hour away to Living Water Christian. So we resolved to attend Living Water every other week until we move closer or get a car. So, last Sunday we walked to Brackenhurst to download some Sunday studies from Refuge and a few Wednesday nights. Sunday night, as I was making dinner, I listened to Peyton Jones’ Wednesday night teaching at Refuge. Man, was that teaching an answer to prayer. Peyton and his wife, Andrea, missionaries to Wales, were in town and Peyton gave a study that really ministered to Jonathan and I. We were nearly in tears till the end. Peyton’s message talked about how the Lord not only knows how it feels to leave family and friends behind as Jesus did on the cross, but he gave us to each other to be the body of Christ. Jesus told Mary, (John 19:26) “Dear woman, here is your son” and then Jesus told John, “Here is your mother.” Jesus knew how hard it would be for Mary to lose her first born son and how hard it would be to for John, Jesus’ disciple, to lose such a close friend, a Rabbi (teacher). So Jesus gave them one to another to fill that gap. That’s what the Lord is doing with us here in Kenya, he has given us friends and other members of the body of Christ when we need our family and friends that are so far away. The church here is Jesus to us when we want to see Him so desperately. God is so faithful!
Prayer Requests:
Josiah to get over this bad fever he got yesterday and that it wouldn’t infect the rest of us.
For Jonathan and I would be diligent in studying Kiswahili and that the language would continue to “click”
For a car!
Financial provision
Wisdom in dealing with street children/beggers
For our family to be in the Word daily and to seek God as our sole provider
For the Lord to be our strength when we feel homesick.
Robbie and Elizabeth and their daughter, Abigail (Senior Pastor of LWCF and family)
Thanks so much for your love, prayers and support. We miss all of you terribly but just know that God is working in us and stretching us in ways that we never thought
The Ferg4
Hey Adrienne and Jonathan! Just wanted to say Hi and let you know my support team and I are praying for you guys. I'll pass on your prayer requests at my team meeting Friday evening. Love ya lots! Pat Kenney
Hey Guys - we love you so very much, and know EXACTLY what you're going through with the homesickness...just remember that this is a precious time for you as a family to bond ever closer together. We're praying for you, and are so very PROUD of you for your obediance to the Lord's call on your life...we'll have to get on skype together - what a blessing it will be to see you guys. Know that Northern Ireland is praying for the Ferg4, and we will NOT stop....
All our love -
In Jesus our awesome, wonderful, everlasting God and King,
Rick & Cindy
Hi from sunny & still warm FL!
On the homesick/ why issue... when Susan & I were pastoring in CA, letting our church know we were going to the Philippines, but leaving our oldest son (17) behind to finish HS, since he wanted to go to college in US (his choice & ours). Someone came up to Susan & said, "what kind of mother are you that you would leave your child behind, etc.?!" The Lord spoke something similar to help lift the condemnation that had been dropped on her... it's not like we weren't already going through stuff leaving him, as we took our other 3 children/ teens. As it turned out, he did (still doing) well.
The reason not so many people "go" is because of precisely the same stuff. Family & health (along with spiritual warfare) tend to be the biggest challenges... also immigration. Hey, you're doing fine, it's "normal" because your life isn't... thankfully!
grace & blessings,
Hey Fergusons,
Thanks for this post. Liked Trip's comment - it's encouraging to hear from s/one who's been there!
Love y'all,
The Wallins
Hi Jonathan and Adrienne,
So good to hear from you. The comments are true, isn't it great to get feedback when you say you're going through a trial from people who've been there. I love technology!! (I think I've said that somewhere before! lol)
I can't wait to hear from Kiswahili coming out of your mouths!! I'd like to learn a few words. Give us some things to learn in your next blog, okay?
Love your pix, and will be praying for Josaiah to be healed from whatever is causing his fever.
Love you guys, Debbie-do & Howard, too!
ok, it's Dana. Bawling over here! Love you guys soo much. Praying for you too. That was an awesome sermon Peyton gave huh!! We loved it too. Ya know, listening to your trials and listening to Kwave lately I am hearing what God is telling me. We are going to have to go through these trials and sufferings to grow us to be more like Him. It was funny, I was just thinking about some trials that Chris and I are seeming to go through alot lately and the other day it just hit me...God is actually merciful with the trials He has given me! My kids are healthy and my marriage is built on the Rock and we are all healthy (Praise God)...I thought how merciful He is to give me my measly trials and yet we are not suffering from some disease, or losing a family member, ya know. I suddenly was given a different perspective and now I am thanking Him for those situational trials! I hope I made sense...haha. Just actually trying to give you some encouragement. I can't forget He is working out all things together for the good of those who love Him.
Thank you Ferguson Family for serving for the family of Christ! We love you !!!!
Praise God for your family! You are such an inspiration in following the Lord's calling on your lives, even when it's hard. We will be praying for you!
It is wonderful to be able to see updates on everything going is great!
Sherry & Ryan McAnelly
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