We are so glad to be back in our cozy little apartment after a week with crazy Jr. Highers! God did some great things at camp and it was emotional for Jonathan as he taught his last camp study. Leaving Jr. High is bringing
the realization of Kenya just a little closer. The theme for camp was "Rock of Ages". The kids were split into teams and participated in color war games for the week. One of the highlights of camp was watching the kids perform their "music video" to different Veggie Tales songs covered by Christian bands like Stevenson, Tait, Superchic and Reliant K. The kids fished, hiked, wrestled, braided hair (the girls of course!) and worshipped the living God. We were so blessed to be a part of this camp. God even got me (Adrienne) through all the cooking.
Jesaiah Keenan putting up his tent

Some of the kids wrote this AWESOME song and performed it for us. It was so catchy! We were all humming the song for days!

And Jonathan passes the baton to the new Jr. High Pastor, Chris Duarte. Please keep him in prayer.
***All of the pictures above were taken by Autumn Keenan. Amazing job, huh? To see more camp pics visit:
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