Latayne C. Scott
There have been countless books written that detail the theological differences of Mormonism and Christianity. There have been more written on the connection of Mormonism to Masonry and the Occult. I have read many of these books, and have found them to be written with various degrees of skill and truth.
The Mormon Mirage is definitely one of the best books on Mormonism I have read. This third edition has been updated extensively, with two new chapters dealing with major issues and challenges facing Mormonism in the 21st century. This issues include race and gender, the availability of information on the internet, and the visibility of splinter and fundamentalist groups that have arisen lately. New endnotes have been added providing additional support for Scott's points, and corrections have been made where needed. Well written and detailed, The Mormon Mirage has been a worthy addition to the literature available on Mormonism.
Latayne C. Scott grew up in Mormonism, attending BYU university. After a few years of school, she was challenged to examine the teachings of Mormonism, and compare them to the Bible. After doing so, she realized that Mormonism did not hold up to true Biblical Christianity, and left the Mormon church.
As she mentions in her opening chapter, most literature written against Mormonism makes one of two mistakes. Either the authors underestimate the intelligence, integrity or character of the Mormon people, or they fail to fact check. Both of these are turnoffs, both for the Mormon and non-Mormon readers. With her background in Mormonism, Scott deftly maneuvers this book between these pitfalls, avoiding crashing into either.
While the majority of the information has been found in other books I have read, there were some surprises that were here, enough even, to hurry to my wife and read her portions.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who want a book on Mormonism that is written from a loving viewpoint. In her conclusion, discussing her work, Scott says,
More than anything, it is a symbolic representation of the actions of the waving of a white handkerchief before the Lord, as I ask him again and again through liberating truth to save those people who are as I once was, when I was there, and I believed.
Grace and Peace,
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Great review, Jonathan!
Thank you, Jonathan. I appreciate the review.
After reading the book, were you left with any unanswered questions?
Yours and His,
Latayne C Scott
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