Well, we finally booked our tickets! Can you believe it? The tickets were emailed to us today and we are due to leave sunny California on Tuesday, September 8th. We will arrive in Nairobi late on Sept 10th. Wow! The clock is officially ticking (62 days to go).
Here are some questions that people have
asked us:

Where are you going to live when you get there?
We will be staying at the church we will serve in. There are a few unoccupied bedrooms that short term teams usually stay in. We will only be there for a month and language school will start in October. When we arrive in Limuru for language school, we will stay in a cottage at the school. After language school is finished in April, we will move closer to the church and find a house or apartment.

Are you afraid to take your kids?
Our family is definitely human and we have worries about things. We are trusting our God whom has guided us this far to take care of our family. We know that there are no guarantees in life and we are ready to take this journey that God has called us to. We look forward to walking closer with God through this time and trust Him for complete provision and guidance when it comes to our family. As I've heard Gregg Laurie so eloquently say, "We are not afriad to trust our unknown future to a known God."

How long will you live in Kenya?
The Lord tells us very little about what we'd like to know concerning our future, doesn't He? We know He has called us to go and we plan on staying till He tells us otherwise. In the meantime, we have made a commitment to serve Living Water Christian Fellowship for three years and we will be praying to plant a church from that point in Kenya.

Are you selling ALL your stuff?
Yes. Pretty much all of it. We will leave behind a few things that we aren't able to bring over on this trip. We will be allowed a total of 12 suitcases. So we will jam pack those suit cases as much as possible! We will be able to take our stroller and we are taking the baby's crib and Josiah's bed. Everything else must go!!!! (Sounds like a furniture store going out of business, huh?)
Please pray:
- That we will raise the rest of our monthly support (We currently need 110 supporters who can commit to $25/mo.)
- That we will walk and spend time with the Lord daily and have patience with one another
- That our cars sell quickly
- Currently there is no more yellow fever vaccines and Josiah needs the vaccine. Please pray for availability of the vaccine
- That our student visas get expedited speedily
- Wisdom in the timing of Jonathan quitting his job
- For our upcoming yard sale (August) that all our stuff would sell.
- For our care team who continues to meet biweekly. For the planning of the fund raising and for continued guidance and favor from God.
Thanks so much for being so faithful to see us through and pray for us as we transition out.
Love you guys,
Thanks so much
1 comment:
Thanks for keeping us updated! Can't wait to hear how the Lord moves!
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