Friday, July 10, 2009

We're on the Radio! (Not Yet, But Soon!)

The Ferguson Four will be featured on Refuge Radio! Adrienne and I were interviewed yesterday by Pastor Geoff Wilson for a future show on KWVE! It was a great blessing. Refuge Radio is the church's radio show, on KWVE (107.9FM) weekdays at 4:30pm. Each month Pastor Bill interviews Refuge missionaries, and the Ferguson Four will be featured in September! Make sure you tune in September 25th at 4:30pm! If you miss it, check out afterwards for the archived message.

Today we had a great fund raiser put on by our awesome care team! EXTREME WAFFLES! waffle topped with vanilla ice cream, strawberries, chocolate syrup, another waffle, whipped cream more strawberries and MORE
chocolate sauce. Yes, that was today's fund raiser. It was so much fun. Our team had a blast putting together the fund raiser and we enjoyed watching
the kids (and adults) who got an EXTREME WAFFLE for breakfast!

LAST THING...we are having our garage sale on Saturday, July 25th at 214 W. Utica Street in Huntington Beach. We will be selling all of our stuff for our big move so swing on by that day!

We hope you are all doing well. Thanks for stopping by our blog as we update you with our move to Nairobi, Kenya.

Bless you guys,
Jonathan and Adrienne

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